Amor Estadella. Fluid infinit

Des del dia 22/04/2022 fins el dia 19/06/2022
fotos: Alba Sauleda

The Museu del Càntir presents the Amor Estadella clothing collection, authentic works of art that go beyond simple costumes.

Amor Estadella has been creating her clothing collection for 20 years, 18 costumes, almost one a year, made with materials she has found throughout her life. From recycled elements: irons, nets, silks ... to elements that she has been collecting from nature: stones, bones, shells ... Each piece is a work of art. And it is that the Love is a multidisciplinary artist: model of painters, painter, antique dealer, designer, creator, palmist and writer.

"Every creative work has a biography integrated into it. This collection is also myself, dedicated to a culture or person. And the materials and what they inspire me, are the ones that set the direction for me to dedicate them to one or the other.

In all this clothing, my three arts come together: painting, sculpture and drawing.

These pieces have a very simple shape, they are like a space from which to create. I use the needle as if it were the brush to paint a picture, and the materials, to make the shape and the sculpture.

This work has a history, it carries the past even if it is done in the present, and that is why it is timeless.

The hands are the most important of all because they are an instrument of connection: they caress, comfort and heal. With palmistry, your hands tell you where you are, where you are going, and where you could go: your potential. For me, when I make a suit, my hands become the instrument of connection with my spiritual world: they are an instrument through which I make it visible. ”

Amor Estadella